Christine Andrus

Professional Summary
Christine Andrus has Occupational Therapy experience from a variety of settings in both British Columbia and Ontario, serving adults in BC’s Workplace Safety and Insurance Board rehabilitation centre and in community clinic-based settings. In Ontario’s Ottawa region, she has provided home care services to adults, as well as school-based consultative services to children through Community Care Access Centres. Most recently she has worked in The Ottawa Hospital Rehabilitation Centre’s Chronic Pain Management Program and provided acute care OT services to adults with a broad range of ages and diagnoses at the Civic Campus.
Christine’s expertise includes practice within interdisciplinary chronic pain management teams, facilitating successful return to activities of daily living and return to work of complex clients with chronic pain who sustained work or motor vehicle accident related injuries. Facilitating rehabilitation to achieve successful return to activities of daily living and return to work, Christine’s role has always provided the vital connection between program-based services and the community and workplaces in which her clients live, requiring extensive communication and coordination with both the rehabilitation team and family physicians, employers, and third party payers. Christine has completed specialized training in Ergonomics and in handling complex Return to Work situations.
She brings her background and experience to ModernOT’s Refresh Multidisciplinary Chronic Pain Management Program, drawing on both cognitive behavioural and mindfulness based approaches.
Christine Andrus is a member in good standing with the College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario (COTO) and holds a membership with the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists (CAOT). She is also a member of the Association for Contextual Behavioural Science.
B.Sc. (OT), OT Reg. (Ont.)
Bachelor of Science in Occupational TherapyFaculty of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Toronto (1993)
- Phone: 613-792-3461613-792-3461 (ext. 122)