Case Management
Case Management (also referred to as Rehabilitation Consulting) is typically requested for clients who have injuries that have been deemed catastrophic. This service can also be provided, with approval, on pediatric files and complex files such as those involving mental health issues or chronic pain when recovery does not follow typical timelines. The Rehabilitation Case Manager can become involved at any point in time. Ideally, a referral is made during the acute stage. Often individuals will be seen while still in hospital or inpatient rehabilitation.
The role of the Rehabilitation Case Manager is to access and coordinate all necessary services for individuals in order to facilitate optimal recovery in their rehabilitation. The Rehabilitation Case Manager works closely with individuals and their families in order to communicate the needs and progress of the individual among medical and rehabilitation professionals.
The Case Manager performs the following:
- Meets with the individual client, family members and health care providers and gathers information through available medical reports to assess their needs and the most appropriate therapy and services;
Determine most suitable therapists based upon injury type and expertise, and facilitate referrals including providing all necessary information to the clinicians; - Maintain communication with treating physicians, rehabilitation professionals, insurers and lawyer to ensure they are up to date regarding individual’s injuries and prognosis;
- Facilitate regular communication among therapy team members and ensure establishment of mutual rehabilitation goals; and
- Monitor progression of rehabilitation and address issues as they arise to ensure the most timely and optimal recovery possible.
Skilled case management ensures rehabilitation is goal-directed, cost-effective, individualized and client-centered.