Functional Capacity Evaluations

We are happy to announce that ModernOT is now providing Functional Capacity Evaluations (FCE) and Cognitive Functional Capacity Evaluations (Cog FCE).

Functional Capacity Evaluations

A FCE assesses a person’s physical abilities to work and/or complete activities of daily living. It includes an in-depth interview, standardized and non-standardized tests of strength, endurance, speed, flexibility, and overall physical abilities. Someone’s tolerance to sit, stand, walk, lift, carry, push, pull, and reach are usually tested.

The assessment can take one to two days.

Cognitive Functional Capacity Evaluations

A Cog FCE follows the same lines as an FCE, but it also evaluates someone’s cognitive abilities, like memory, attention, concentration, and executive functioning.

These assessments can be of benefit:

  • As a baseline before starting a rehabilitation program, following injury or illness
  • To measure progress during or following a rehabilitation program
  • To determine a person’s ability to perform their pre-injury job
  • To determine a person’s general work abilities

These types of assessments can help the client, the employer, insurance, or other referral sources, and the rehab teams in a variety of ways.

  • Client to learn their safe tolerance in order to prevent re-injury or exacerbation of symptoms.
  • Referral Source (e.g., Employer, Insurance) to determine a person’s suitability for a specific job.
  • The Rehabilitation Team – to obtain objective information regarding the person’s physical and cognitive abilities in order to guide treatment.

For more information, or to make a referral today, please click here.