BIAOV Fall Fundraiser

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

We’ve Shaken Up the BIAOV Fall Fundraiser

The 11th Annual Fall Fundraiser for the Brain Injury Association of the Ottawa Valley is taking on a whole new format. Joins us on Tuesday, October 24 at 5:00pm for live music, silent auction, prizes, great food, networking and more!

Proceeds from the event will go to the BIAOV, a 100% volunteer-run grassroots organization that supports brain injury survivors and their families. Check out the video below to hear members of the BIAOV talk about what it means to them:

The Details

When: October 24, 2017, 5:00-9:00pm

Where: Algonquin College, Building D, Salon A and B

Investment: $60 for one ticket, or 10 tickets for the price of 9 ($540). Tickets include a free drink!

To purchase tickets, learn about great sponsorship opportunities, and find out more, please click here.