Have you ever…

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Had a hard time communicating?

Have you ever… {check all that apply}

 Had trouble following conversations, especially in groups?
 Struggled to find the right word?
 Had a hard time reading or writing?
 Spoken in short, abrupt, and fragmented sentences?
 Repeated words, or stuttered?
 Had trouble filtering out unimportant information?
 Had difficulty swallowing?   

If you answered yes to some of these questions, you may benefit from a referral to a Speech and Language Pathologist.

But, you are not alone. One in six Canadians has a speech or hearing problem.1

For those living with speech language difficulties, our inter-connected communication-focused society can be isolating.

But it doesn’t have to be.

With the help of a Speech and Language Pathologist, like Lisa Abbott Moore, people can gain the tools that they need in order to participate more meaningfully in their lives.

What can cause speech and language disorders?

  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Stroke
  • Neurodegenerative diseases, like Parkinson’s or dementia
  • Learning disabilities
  • Some types of cancers
  • Physical impairments
  • Mental illness
  • Vocal cord paralysis

How can speech and language pathology help me or someone I know?

Lisa  works with clients to treat and prevent speech and language disorders, providing cognitive strategies interrupting everyday function, connecting socially with the world through effective communication, enhancing listening and understanding, developing strategies to find words, and speaking clearly and audibly.

She can also help people strengthen throat and face muscles, learn breath control techniques, and engage in role playing activities in a variety of social settings.

Lisa’s many years of experience provide her with a toolkit that is multifaceted and adaptive to the needs of her individual clients.

Join Lisa as we celebrate Better Hearing and Speech Month.

Lisa wants to shine a light on the successes – big and small – of speech and language pathology in people’s lives. After all, communication is at the core of everything that we do – it helps us learn, share, grow, develop relationships, and stay connected.

If you, or someone you know, would benefit from a referral to Lisa Abbott Moore, Speech and Language Pathologist, please click here.

1. http://maymonth.ca/en